Pathway number three is the Archetype of the
Symbols for Pathway Number 3
The ultimate goal of “PATHWAY 3” is Self-Expression and Creativity. “3” represents the “Artist of Life” who expresses through thought, feelings, words, music, arts, or any creative endeavor.
The triangle
The three lines of a triangle represent trinities: a “trinity” is a group of 3 distinct but closely related members. Common examples include triplets (3 siblings born at the same time) within one family; the Christian concept of the union of three divine persons in one God; and the concepts of: past-present-future; birth-life-death; Maiden-Mother-Crone, to name a few! (www.thefreedictionary.com) I consider the most essential trinity representing the Number 3 to be symbolized by the trinity of Mother and Father giving birth to a Child, the Divine Child!
Winnie The Pooh
The “3” archetype contains the energy and capacities of the Artist of Life who gives birth to many creations and through the thrill of self-expression is filled with the joy of life, like a healthy child. This creative divine child is fully present and relaxed in the now, is playful, fun loving and finds simple pleasure through creative self-expression in any and all forms.
In my opinion, Winnie the Pooh is a delightful role model for the divine child within us all. Let’s just have fun and eat lots of honey!!!! Click here to enjoy watching Pooh in action in this YouTube video: Up, Down, Touch the Ground | Winnie The Pooh and the Honey Tree.
“Don’t Worry, Be Happy” by Bobby McFerrin. To me, this accapella rendition of “Don’t Worry Be Happy” by Bobby McFerrin is a reminder for us to “Lighten up!!!!”, an important aspect of the “3” super powers. It certainly made me smile to witness these grown men (including Robin Williams) express their creative silliness together, using humor to bring light into the darkness and seriousness of real life challenges. Click here to watch!
I am an artist of life engaged in the art of living
I value creative expression most of all
I see creative opportunity in every moment
I follow a spark of inspiration through the creative process:
inspiration, gestation, and manifestation
I take what’s within and make it available for others to experience
I possess the gift of words, speaking and writing
I am the spirit of joy and delight
I can bring light into the darkness
I have a great sense of humor and love to laugh
I am centered in the moment and capable of spontaneity
I am deeply emotional and filled with enthusiasm
I love beauty
I see beauty everywhere
I love to play and celebrate
I am here to uplift and inspire others, adding beauty and feeling to all
I am optimistic
People are drawn to my charming magnetic energy
People are uplifted by my happiness
I give birth to joy and contribute to the creation of a better worl
I get depressed when not expressing myself creatively for too long
I find it difficult to find channels of expression that are right for me
I tend to shut down my creativity because I doubt that I am worthy
I think it’s wrong or selfish to enjoy the pleasure of creative expression
I can be moody and hold a grudge
I tend to repress my emotions
Within the creative process I can become chaotic, disorganized and untidy
I get discouraged easily and give up if I don’t get the results I want
I am prone to scattered attention and energy
I have lots of ideas but not much follow through
I get trapped in perfectionism and refuse to share my creations
I’m overly concerned about gaining the praise of others
I don’t allow myself the space to play or create just for the pleasure of it
I’m either uncommunicative or I talk too much
I get caught up in fantasies, and I can’t actualize my inspirations
I am sometimes prone to exaggeration
I worry about what others will think if I show my colorful and flamboyant side I believe I am “too much” so tend to hide
I allow self-doubt to cause me to procrastinate
Trinity of Lindsey, Jason, and Vivian Rose (their Divine Child!)
My friend Lindsey’s Life Purpose is “3”. I met Lindsey approximately 20 years ago when she was 19 and fell in love with her bright spark immediately!!! I had recently started a MAIDEN SPIRIT program at a local Unity Church when I invited Lindsey to be an assistant facilitator.
I’m so glad she said, “Yes”!!!!!
The girls in the Maiden Spirit group just adored Lindsey. She brought in a continuous sparkling river of feeling, creative energy, inspiration and forms of expression to our meetings, including African dance, a book she created called “Emotions”, and the sharing of an incredible art project about anger that she wrote and published called ‘The Chair’. To read more click here!
Kathy Anderson interviewed Lindsey for The New NW Drizzle. In her article, Willing To Change” she reports:
Art was always a part of Lindsey’s childhood. She remembers painting in kindergarten, and the big jar of clear water used to clean out her brush. “There was something magical when I dipped my brush into the jar” she said. “Watching the water slowly turn to blue, like a room thick with smoke curling and twisting until all the water was the same color. And then, when I cleaned out my brush a second time, the water turned purple.
Mesmerized by the color change, Lindsey had no idea this was her first lesson in color theory. For an excellent example of how the artist archetype can evolve through a lifetime, read the rest of Kathy’s article about Lindsey here.
Lindsey Hammond Charlet is now the vivacious and proud owner of a multi-disciplinary design studio in Portland Oregon called HUB check it out!. She is now the mother of two adorable children and a wonderful example of person exemplifying the Number “3”.
Maiden spirit girls
These lovely girls were participants in Life Blessing Institute’s MAIDEN SPIRIT program for girls. Making the imagination visible is one of the Number “3” super powers.
The paintings you see each of them holding in this picture symbolize each girl’s creative expression of her “Soul Code”.
Sections of these paintings are filled with images they chose to symbolize their Essential Selves (in the center), Life Purpose, Soul Fulfillment, Conscious Self and Greatest Natural Ability, discovered during guided meditations!
Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, arts, wisdom and learning. She is a part of the trinity of Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati. All the three forms help the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva to create, maintain and regenerate-recycle the Universe respectively.
Saraswati, sometimes spelled Sarasvati, is a Sanskrit fusion word of Sara which means essence, and Sva which means one self, the fused word meaning “essence of one self”, and Saraswati meaning “one who leads to essence of self knowledge” wikipedia.org
Saraswati is an example of a goddess archetype that represents the energy of the Number 3 through all forms of the arts and creative expression
When in the activity of creative expression we not only give birth to something new as a contribution to life but we become more deeply connected with a vital aspect of our divine essence, Creative Energy itself!
An activation practice for Pathway 3
- Shift your focus to a state of deep inner receptivity; close your eyes; bring awareness to the rise and fall of your chest as you breath in and out. With each exhale, tune in more consciously to the part of you that knows what it feels like to be in a creative flow of self -expression.
- Imagine yourself standing in the center of a circle sparkling with prismatic rainbow rays of light, sounds, and scents that fill your body with delight. Breathe deeply and awaken your capacity to enjoy simply being fully present in this moment.
- Tune in to the Divine Child within and notice what shifts in your attitude and body when you do.
- Call forth the wonder of your ability to imagine. Imagine a bright red (organic!) apple twirling in space in front of you. Now add a twirling orange next to the apple, both twirling! Now, let those images dissolve. You can imagine anything! Let the artist in you make your imagination visible by drawing an apple.
- Feel into your emotions and simply acknowledge whatever you authentically find. It could be contentment, anxiety, happiness, frustration, sadness, bliss… Now try speaking the words out loud. This will give expression to your emotions, and they will begin to move more freely. Example: “ I feel content, even though I feel a tinge of anxiety”.
- Tap in to your ability to express your ideas, imagination, and emotions through many forms throughout each day.
- Acknowledge the essence of your ability to perceive beauty and to catalyze joy into the lives of others.
- Tune in to all the gifts and powers that the Number 3 represents, including your capacity to lighten up and laugh!
- Complete this activation with this statement, CREATIVE EXPRESSION GIVES BIRTH TO JOY!
I am the chef in my own kitchen, using a little of this, and a little of that to make a scrumptious dish that draws everyone in the household in to see what’s cookin’.
I am the photographer who sees something special in each and every sunrise and captures the power of the moment to share with others.
I am the mom, with a fully stocked arts and craft box, ready for entertaining and educational projects to work on with my children.
I am the sand castle sculptor, building scenes so real you would be unsurprised if the dragon came to life, the lion roared, or the Gnome winked at you.
I am the singer-songwriter-musician, creating not only the soul wrenching music I offer to the world, but re-creating my public image again and again.
I am the Green Screen special effects technician manipulating the digital data to convince the movie audience of the reality of Harry Potter scoring goals while flying on a broom in a Quidditch match.
I am the florist with a calling to combine just the right flowers, to create just the perfect arrangement, just exactly right for the occasion.
I am Mother Nature painting my landscape with an unlimited variety of shapes, and a multi-hued palette of colors, to inspire artists to create in my image.
I have many other names and faces: Painter, Sculptor, Architect, Quilter, Poet, Martial Artist, Musician, Actor, Director, Lyricist, Landscape Designer, Hair Stylist, Makeup Artist, Set Designer, Author, Barista, Dancer, Choreographer, Clothing Designer, Scrapbooker, Graphic Artist, Screenwriter, Contract Negotiator, Jewelry Designer, Entrepreneur…
Life is my canvas and I practice the art of living and every moment is an opportunity for creativity.