A Sacred Refuge in the Heart of
the Sunshine and Storm

We are living in a time of profound transformation. Old structures are breaking down. Opportunities for deeper connection, healing, and collective awakening are being revealed. However, at times this process can feel overwhelming, chaotic, and isolating.

Lately, I find myself seeking refuge in the sanctuary within, surrendering to and becoming immersed in the peaceful presence that flows beneath
the surface of life’s daily disturbances.

For example, it’s winter here in the Pacific Northwest and there’s a literal storm passing through as I write these words AND the skylight is leaking. I’ve been on the couch unable to do many of the things I really want to do while my body has been fighting a virus for over a week. 

Instead of pushing to override the illness and causing more misery, I’ve been doing what I can to support the healing, trusting my body’s innate healing ability and letting go of my preference to be well NOW. Being present in the discomfort while tuning into the stillness has opened the inner temple gates into peaceful, loving presence.

Although there are physical sanctuary spaces in this world, the “sanctuary” I’m talking about is not a physical place, but an inner refuge available at all times. It’s where we return to our true nature as awake awareness itself—a presence beyond thought and emotion, beyond the ego’s stories, beyond the mind’s tendency to polarize and react. 

As winter deepens and the natural world grows quieter, the outer darkness can reflect an inner call – I’m noticing a call to retreat, reflect, reawaken and recommit to what is most essential.

Over the years I’ve found that cultivating inner sanctuary offers a welcome counterbalance to my worldly experience until ultimately the two become one. For me, this inner sanctum is a state of profound safety, openness, and flow—a sacred space within- A Sanctuary of Awakening.

The Awakening Process invites us into an ongoing practice of observing our thoughts, feelings, and sensations with awareness, without becoming possessed by them. Centered in this sanctuary of stillness and clarity, we live as radiant expressions of creative, embodied presence. In the sanctuary state, I find myself more able to patiently and compassionately embrace each moment as it unfolds—whether it is clear or uncertain, whether it’s challenging or flows.

Directing the focus of attention within we can find our way into a sacred state of being and becoming, where peace and love’s light are always present. In a Sanctuary of Awakening we find ourselves able to rest in this space, realign with a deeper truth, and shine brightly with love, joy, creativity. We grow stronger in our capacity to stay present with whatever is arising in each moment for longer periods of time.

What is the Sanctuary of Awakening?

I’ve been diving into a deeper exploration of what a Sanctuary of Awakening means to myself and inviting others to share their thoughts about it. Here is what Diane had to say:

What do the words “Sanctuary of Awakening” mean or invoke in you?

Live Centered In Sanctuary

Living centered in this Sanctuary is a radical act of love—for ourselves, for others, and for the world, to the One in All. When we live from being centered in the Sanctuary of Awakening, we become radiant pillars of light, not through striving but simply by being who we truly are. Our presence naturally shines love and acceptance into the world. This light does not seek to fix or control; it simply illuminates, allowing others to find their own way home to Sanctuary.


Anchor yourself in the mind-blowing realization that your true nature IS awareness knowing itself—a light that cannot be extinguished centered in the Sanctuary of Awakening

As you enjoy your holiday festivities or find this winter holiday season challenging, as the outer darkness and cold deepens, won’t you join me in a renewal of commitment to cultivate your inner LIGHT? Let’s enter the Sanctuary together and recenter our attention into awake awareness and love’s sacred presence as the greatest gift we could ever give or receive!!! 

May we find refuge in the Sanctuary of Awakening and awaken to see
the One Reality in all things as beacons of love and peace.

If you missed my post “On The Path Together” about the Awakening Process,


Click here

I find that somehow, by shifting the focus of attention, I become the very thing I look at, and experience the kind of consciousness it has; I become the inner witness of the thing. I call this capacity of entering other focal points of consciousness, love; you may give it any name you like. Love says “I am everything”. Wisdom says “I am nothing”. Between the two, my life flows. Since at any point of time and space I can be both the subject and the object of experience, I express it by saying that I am both, and neither, and beyond both.

-Nisargadatta Maharaj