Sheri Andon
Sheri Andon is a Personal Transformation Coach and Mentor with a love and passion for empowering people to access their inner spiritual wisdom and guidance. With more than 25 years of experience as a licensed therapist, she is able to hold space for the complex issues that arise in the work of personal transformation. She has always been drawn to finding ways to empower herself and others, which has taken her on a journey beyond the
world of traditional psychotherapy.
The study of metaphysics (the nature of reality outside of human sense perception) has always been an important discipline throughout her life. She believes that recognition and remembrance of one’s true identity is revealed when one gets in touch with their spiritual identity. She uses the wisdom of the traditional healing modalities of psychotherapy, as well as the profound methods learned as a certified Soul Stream Practitioner, to help people reclaim their connection to their radiant Spirit and break free from limiting beliefs and stuck patterns to emerge into a life full of possibility and empowerment.

Jennifer Alyse
Jennifer Alyse is a Photographer, Artist, and Creative Mentor. It has been through the path of creativity, embodiment practices (dance, conscious movement, and yoga), relational neuroscience, mindfulness and ancient wisdom practices, where Jennifer Alyse has discovered tools for awakening one’s own path of ignited aliveness and inner truth. She believes that creative expression is a vital part of well-being, where one can awaken their innate wisdom and Soul power. In addition to her extensive career as a professional photographer, Jennifer is passionate about supporting and mentoring others to ignite creativity, reconnect to one’s Soul and rattle the intuitive, visionary within. Visit her website to learn more about her and get in touch

Sara Kates-Chinoy, ND
Dr Sara believes in the potency of individualized medicine on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. For those ready for transformational change, the universe is ready to support your personal evolution!
She offers trust in the process, acknowledging obstacles and allowing them to give way for inner truth and innate capacity to shine through and direct healing. Grateful to be a Soul Stream Coach and Mentorship Practitioner, she said it is her most joyful work with anyone with an opportunity to grow through life transition, emotional or physical challenge.
Sara is a naturopathic doctor and co-founder of Grain Integrative Health, a family primary care clinic in Portland where she depends on the innate wisdom of the body to guide physical healing on a daily basis. She has been training naturopathic students and residents in critical thinking and naturopathic medical decision making since 2008. Sara is a student of early childhood development, qi gong, sculpture, ultimate frisbee, comparative religion and cognitive science.

Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Anderson Wylie, ND
Dr Sarah Wylie, a Naturopathic Physician, specializes in physical medicine to restore health in organ systems. She has been working at weaving together the legacy work of 3 amazing healers, to form a vibrant expression of women’s health care. She has studied extensively with Dr Rosita Arvigo, in a specific lineage of Mayan medicine, with Tami Kent for holistic care of the pelvic floor & with Georgette Star in soul mentoring & archetypal energy medicine, and preparing girls for menarche. Sarah’s vision is to facilitate release of stored energy, so that whatever work you do is powered by a strong current of balanced feminine and masculine energy.

Joanna Present Wolfe,
Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist
Joanna Present Wolfe has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese medicine in NW Portland, Oregon, since 2011, with a focus on emotional and spiritual balancing for grief, depression, anxiety, and life transitions. She also offers Soul Stream Life Coaching, either in conjunction with acupuncture or on its own, based on client preference. Soul Stream uses body-centered awareness practices, visualizations, numerology, and the chakra system to remove personal obstacles and clarify your path forward in life. One of Joanna’s favorite Chinese medical dictums is that “the teacher is on the table.” She honors that you, the client, are the expert on how you feel, and that you have the power to restore your innate state of wellness in all dimensions of your being. Her first goal is always to listen.
“I love to help you identify and transform your obstacles, on the levels of both physiology and soul. It is a joy to assist you in formulating tangible goals and action steps toward your personal fulfillment. Whatever intention you set for yourself will be our guiding principle.”
Joanna is winner of a 2016 “People Love Us on Yelp” award and also the author of Leo and the Hidden Rainbow, the richly illustrated story of how one boy discovers his inner creative resources.

Tracey Heartsun, CPCC
My name is Tracey Heartsun, Certified Life Coach since 2003, Graduate of the Life Blessing Institute in 2004, and most recently a graduate of The Soul-Stream Life Map & Mastery Program 2016.
I am Georgette’s program assistant and friend of 30 years. I was blessed to have found her as a young woman in my early 20’s and the wisdom teachings she has offered over many years has shaped my life dramatically. My spiritual journey began then and has guided my life since.
I am passionate about women’s empowerment, spiritual development and transformation. My destiny is that of the “Change Agent” and I find my calling to be a catalyst for change in my own life as well as the lives of others. Over the past 30 years I have participated and co-facilitated women groups, gatherings, retreats and events and find my greatest fulfillment and aliveness when doing so.
As a Life Coach I work with clients on a soul level. Discovering what the soul needs to be liberated and FREE to choose a life of fulfillment and love. I live in Boring, Oregon with my husband Dale, two dogs, and a family of ducks. I enjoy time in nature, nurturing and caring for animals and the planet. My greatest joy is the sisterhood I have in my life today…..something I wish for all women to experience and cherish.

Pamela Wirth, CPCC
I am proud mother of a delightful teen, a certified Life-and-Soul Coach and Forest Therapy guide. I’m also a rite of passage mentor for moms and girls, to help nourish and restore our essential feminine relationships. My work has evolved over the past 3 decades along with my spiritual practice and is motivated by deep love and care for Life. My background includes training with Jalaja Bonheim and her Institute for Circlework and certifications from Georgette Star’s Life Blessing Institute, The Coaches Training Institute, Feminine Power and the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy. I am a student of ‘modern mystic’ Thomas Hübl since 2013.
My great delight is to invite my clients outdoors. Here, under the trees, we can slow down, relax and align with our own true nature and sustainable flourishing.

Cecily Crow, PCC
I am an ICF certified personal and professional coach and a Soul Stream Practitioner. I use mindfulness, somatic awareness, and positive psychology to help clients overcome the internal blocks that are holding them back from meaningful and fulfilling lives. As a purpose-seeker and former perfectionist, I knows first-hand what it’s like to take the journey from emotional chaos to grounded presence and inner clarity. With a background in creative and entrepreneurial fields, I guide artists, practitioners, and dreamers on a journey of transformation and reclamation. I love nothing more than helping clients to feel confident, embodied, and resilient.

Jennie Sandberg, M.Ed., M.S., RYT, CLC
I am a certified Trauma Recovery Coach and Certified Life Coach who specializes in issues of identity and belonging. I received my Masters Degree in Education from Harvard University and my Masters Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis from Antioch University in Keene, NH. I am certified in Emotional Freedom Technique through the ACEP and is trained in a number of other modalities including Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Meditation, expressive art, qigong, and yoga. For more information, please visit Jennie at Transformation Healing Arts.

Dana Krete, ND, Lac
I am a Naturopathic Physician and licensed acupuncturist. I use a multidisciplinary approach to treatment including acupuncture, Chinese and Western herbs, homeopathy, nutritional supplements, lifestyle counseling, and nutritional counseling. Staying true to the roots of both Chinese and Naturopathic medicine, every patient is treated as a whole person and as an individual. I earned my Bachelor’s in Science, with a major in psychology, and double minor in biology and sociology, while completing my pre-medical education. With a passionate interest in health, wellness, nutrition, and the bio-psycho-social model of health and disease, I went on to complete a 7-year post-graduate education, earning a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine and Masters of Acupuncture at National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon in 2009. I has practiced in Connecticut for 12 years since completing my post graduate studies. I am the founder of Fernwood Holistic Health in Westbrook, CT.
As a certified Soul Stream practitioner I am looking forward to integrating this powerful and transformative system into my practice. It will fit perfectly into the holistic approach I use with patients and clients, providing even more opportunities for the whole person to heal, grow, and evolve.

PJ Hirabayashi
I am a practitioner and cultural wisdom keeper of “Taiko”—the Japanese drum. A teacher, composer, artivist, community organizer, and mentor, Taiko has been my life path for nearly 50-years. I am the founder of TaikoPeace (‘Peace’ is the acronym for Partnerships, Empathy, AND, Creative Empowerment), a movement to spread compassion and the transformational power of Japanese taiko drumming for positive social change for the greater good and a peaceful world.
I say this about my journey with taiko: “Taiko is my “voice” to be loud and heard. It is my embodiment to break my invisibility and silence and to step into liberation, self-confidence, authentic power, healing, and joy.” I explore co-creative potential through the drum, music, movement, spoken word, haiku, mandalas, and collaboration. “Energy” is at the core of my philosophy. “Where intention goes, energy flows.” For me, the Soul Stream Coach and Mentorship protocol aligns beautifully with energy work, like taiko, and creative expression. It offers individuals to unfold and uncover their higher potential, interdependence, and peace.
I make my home in San Jose Japantown, California on the land of the Muwekma Ohlone. I was honored to be awarded for my work in taiko with my partner, Roy, the National Endowment for the Arts “Heritage Fellowship”, America’s highest honor in folk and traditional arts.

Lori Horan Soule, ND, LAc
I have been practicing Naturopathic Medicine and Five Element acupuncture since 1998. I have recently added the Soul Stream Coaching Method because I had always been called to understand the deepest layers of how symptoms develop, and how to speed healing. Now I also use the Soul Stream Coaching Method to provide a quick and effective way to deepen understanding of illness and a rapid path to healing. I am currently in private practice at Soule Health Care in Portland, Oregon.

Rose Beeching
I have explored and studied different wisdom teachings and modalities over the past few years on a personal quest for spiritual expansion and to discover a more Soul aligned way to contribute to the collective evolution of humanity. Honored to have qualified as a Soul Stream Client Breakthrough practitioner, I feel blessed to have been guided to Georgette's work. Having trained as a Soul Realignment (TM) Akashic Record reader I discovered a passion for connecting people with their Soul gifts and helping them to bring greater awareness to limiting karmic patterns that restrict their expansion to the next level of Divine Self-Expression.
The Soul Stream method blends with the Akashic Record readings, providing clients with even greater insights regarding their Soul purpose and patterns of behavior they are here to learn from and grow beyond. In the future I plan to add Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping) and NLP to my coaching approach to expand my toolkit when working with clients. I love to work with women with an entrepreneurial spirit who want to use business as a context to share their Divine Gifts with the world. You can contact Rose at hello@thedivinepreneur.com.

Liane Moccia, RH(AHG)
I am a Registered Clinical Herbalist who specializes in fertility, preconception planning, hormone balance, stress, and sleep. My approach to health is simple and holistic. Using traditional herbal knowledge, the latest scientific research, I combines herbs with lifestyle, dietary changes, and the Soul Stream Method to help optimize health and wellness. My own infertility diagnosis led me to the healing power of plants and ultimately a career change to help others on similar journeys.
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