When in your life have you noticed it felt easier (or you were tempted) to shut down your feelings rather than stay open to fully experiencing what was happening in the moment? How do we open ourselves to once again become a conscious conduit of the higher frequencies of love, wisdom, and healing? Jason’s […]
The Guest House This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. […]
I’d like to tell you a little story… Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl child named Vasalisa. Tragically, her mom became deathly ill and before she died, she gave her daughter a secret and most precious gift: a tiny doll. She instructed her daughter to consult with the doll whenever she […]
High Vibe Success is the natural outcome of choosing Higher Self Alignment, a choice we can make every moment. Cultivate Higher Self Alignment Ask yourself this question: If I were completely in alignment with my Higher Self or Inner Wisdom Source, what would I do today to keep me moving in the direction of success? […]
Awakening refers to the process of waking up from being programmed by society. We begin to realize the meaning of freedom, peace of mind, and happiness in daily living. Once you have freed yourself, it is challenging to go back to the norm. I have experienced many phases, layers and stages in my own Awakening […]
Love is the real power. It’s the energy that cherishes. The more you work with that energy, the more you will see how people respond naturally to it, and the more you will want to use it. It brings out your creativity and helps everyone around you flower. Your children, the people you work with […]
THE JEWEL OF YOU An interview with Georgette Star MA, D.Min and host JP Kim on her online event “Monetize Your Message” A teaching about the relevance and beauty of realizing our divine patterning and expression through development on each of the “9 Pathways of the Soul”.
YOUR PERSONAL YEAR NUMBER ARCHETYPE If you’ve been in my community for a while you know I teach the SOUL STREAM METHOD to Transformational Leaders, Healers, and Coaches. Our new client assessment process is based Life Mapping System I learned from my Mom that’s based on the numbers that can be decoded from one’s full […]
My Car Accident & Spiritual Awakening On the way to a week-long spiritual retreat with Shakti Caterina Maggi, I was driving up Mt Madonna Rd, a very narrow gravel road that went on and on and on for miles! Many times along the way, I worried I had taken a wrong turn and was going […]
By Melissa Shaw & Georgette Star “Meet the Archetypes” is an invocation and imaginative journey through the “9 Pathways of the Soul” dedicated to supporting your “being and becoming”. Every human being is on a life-long journey to learn and evolve skills and capacities along each one of these nine distinct archetypal pathways of human […]