Category Archives: Life Coaching

any posts specifically to do with coaches and those she’s trained to help others.

Your personal year

Give yourself the gift of reflection time, during the transition between years, to metabolize your experience and harvest wisdom. This will make it possible to start the New Year fresh and open to the new influences of your divine design that come with the beginning of a New Year.One component of the “SOUL STREAM Life […]

Manifesting Mandala

Manifesting ideas from inspiration to lived experience is a skill that can evolve into a natural ability, especially when the idea originates from a place of deep soul connection, guidance, and passion. Today in meditation when I asked for soul guidance about what to share in today’s blogpost, just when I opened my eyes the […]

A Path to joy

I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge about the “9 Pathways of the Soul” with you because understanding each pathway provides  powerful keys for life mastery!!! Today’s post is dedicated to the “Pathway of the Soul Number 3” and the Artist of Life within you, within us all. The artist within knows that creative expression gives […]

9 Pathways of the soul in every day life

I recently designed and completed a 16-week on-line program for Holistic Practitioners, Coaches, and Business Owners called “SOUL STREAM Life Map and Mastery Certification Training”. During the week after the training, participants completed a course evaluation. They were invited to describe an example of how they experience or understand the qualities of each of the” […]

Pathways 8: Manifestation

The world receives my gifts and reflects them back.This post is the eighth in a series exploring the 9 Pathways of the Soul. For an overview of the Pathway System and an explanation of how to calculate your “Life Purpose” Number & Archetypes 1-7, Click Here.This article is dedicated to an exploration of “PATHWAY 8”: […]

Pathway 5: Progress

I LOVE TO EXPLORE AND CHANGE This post is the fifth in a series exploring the 9 Pathways of the Soul. For Previous Posts on the Pathway System: 1) Overview, calculation of Pathway Numbers, & Pathway “1”: CLICK HERE. 2) Pathway “2”: Click HERE. 3) Pathway “3”: Click HERE. 4) Pathway “4”: Click HERE. This […]