Category Archives: Life Purpose

all blog posts relating to finding one’s purpose, living consciously, reaching one’s potential

The Peace-Wariors Journey

By Matt Bibeau, Program Mentor, PEACE-WARRIORS, Portland, OregonI remember clearly when the re-connection to my inner “Wise One” happened for me. I was in a place that I had come many times before, often with a friend who was also my mentor, a place where the sweet aromas of fir needles and tree blossoms tempted […]

Traveling Altar Cloth

FRIENDS OF THE TRAVELING ALTAR CLOTH…. AN ANNUAL NEW YEAR SPIRITUAL PRACTICE TRADITION! Last year at this time I described a tradition that has grown more important than ever to me, and has come to include a wider group of people in my life…both friends and family! This spiritual practice tradition started a few years […]

My Messenger Of Light Painting

I began my Intentional Creativity painting project in January 2015 with the intention to work on it for an entire year. At long last, in the energy of the full moon on Christmas day, I completed my painting! What a journey it has been, the painting and the year! For each month of 2015 I […]

Conscious Endings & A Life Line To The Divine

My heart is heavy this morning, or perhaps “full” is a better word to describe the sensation in my chest… that is bursting with the agony and ecstasy of LOVE and loss. How miraculous to feel grief and joy, pain, and celebration all at the same time. Yesterday my precious kitty friend of almost 19 […]

An Evolution of Life Purpose

I fell head over heels in LOVE with the minister’s son at 16, married him at 17, had a baby at 18 and moved to Sugarloaf Mountain in the backwoods of Oregon at 19. Here my youthful heart’s desire to experience a utopian new way of living came true, at least for a time. My […]

Let The MAGIC Begin!!

Hello Bright Light!!! I’ve missed our communications during my August eZine ‘pause’!!!! I’ve been very busy during this time and proud to announce that I’ve created and will host a transformational FREE virtual series of interviews called COACHING MASTERY MAGIC World Summit. You are cordially invited. During the Summit, Master Coaches and Healers from around the world will share their stories and strategies for creating […]

SHINE with True Beauty – Maiden Spirit Girls Music Video

Hello Bright Light, I had an intuitive nudge to share something special with you today. It’s a very special music video that was created by a group of MAIDEN SPIRIT girls.  MAIDEN SPIRIT is one of several Life Blessing Institute programs designed specifically for youth. Girls ages 9-13 can participate in a Mentored small group over a […]

You are worthy of love, happiness, and a beautiful life.

July 13, 2015 Love Note You Are Worthy Of Love, Happiness, and a Beautiful Life. Sneak Peak: Coaching Mastery Magic World Summit Da Vinci Quote ​Hello Bright Light, My last Ezine was dedicated to the healing and awakening that becomes possible when we shine the light of self-love into places within that we typically avoid. I received many […]

MAGIC happens here

Hello Bright Light, When you shift out of autopilot and become fully Present, you can consciously choose where and how to focus your energy and attention. This is where MAGIC happens!!!  In a state of Presence, you gain greater access to your core intelligence and ability to direct creative energy into the actions that will move you […]

Empower Your Daughter

EMPOWER YOUR DAUGHTER’S INNER WISDOM by Jan Burgevin RN I’d like to introduce you to Jan Burgevin, a recent graduate from the Life Blessing Institute Program: “BEAUTIFUL YOU: FROM GIRL TO WOMAN” (BYGW) Facilitator Certification Training. Jan gave me permission to share (and abbreviate) two of her responses to questions in the BYGW curriculum. My […]