Category Archives: Uncategorized

Living In Alignment Changes Everything

“…When I’m in alignment and I first connect with someone…it just becomes so clear. OK, let’s start there…it really is about aligning oneself with the deeper part of them, their deeper wisdom, not that monkey mind, not the analytical brain, but that deeper part of them that is full of quiet calmness and wisdom, creativity…” […]

Unexpected Gifts

Unexpected Gifts Our intersecting human relationships can be miraculous for many reasons including the unexpected and unintended gifts they sometimes bring. We may only come to realize such gifts through hindsight and conscious contemplation. With the help of a skilled mentor, I recently I discovered a profound GIFT that my short relationship with baby brother […]

Light in the dark

A recent dream….. I’m standing with my Spiritual Teacher showing him a vision of a very Dark Night and a Dark Lake. Across the lake is a brilliant WHITE LIGHT in the shape of an angel with open arms and a star with a light that touched the surface of the lake and went high […]

A Path to joy

I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge about the “9 Pathways of the Soul” with you because understanding each pathway provides  powerful keys for life mastery!!! Today’s post is dedicated to the “Pathway of the Soul Number 3” and the Artist of Life within you, within us all. The artist within knows that creative expression gives […]

Pathway 5: Progress

I LOVE TO EXPLORE AND CHANGE This post is the fifth in a series exploring the 9 Pathways of the Soul. For Previous Posts on the Pathway System: 1) Overview, calculation of Pathway Numbers, & Pathway “1”: CLICK HERE. 2) Pathway “2”: Click HERE. 3) Pathway “3”: Click HERE. 4) Pathway “4”: Click HERE. This […]

Conscious Endings & A Life Line To The Divine

My heart is heavy this morning, or perhaps “full” is a better word to describe the sensation in my chest… that is bursting with the agony and ecstasy of LOVE and loss. How miraculous to feel grief and joy, pain, and celebration all at the same time. Yesterday my precious kitty friend of almost 19 […]