I’d like to introduce you to Jan Burgevin, a recent graduate from the Life Blessing Institute Program: “BEAUTIFUL YOU: FROM GIRL TO WOMAN” (BYGW) Facilitator Certification Training. Jan gave me permission to share (and abbreviate) two of her responses to questions in the BYGW curriculum. My hope is that you get a firsthand account of the impact this program can have on its participants:
Question 1: How do I experience my inner wisdom?
Jan: “I feel that when I am deeply tuning in to my intuition, a very quiet place inside of me, I am connected to an expanded non-linear “knowing” or wisdom. This is not easy for me to experience because I have a lot of anxiety about “getting it right” and my mind is busy, rather than quiet. This blocks my wisdom or intuition. There have been times when I simply ask for spiritual help and then listen. I have learned to trust and to follow the guidance from this source. So, I am learning to trust my own wisdom, my own inner wise woman”.
Question 2: How can we encourage our daughters to access their inner wisdom?
Jan: “First, by being a role model. I would help her to learn what obstacles there are to doing this work, and how to begin to remove them. When I embody and live this knowledge and experience, she will see that it is possible. If she already has a natural ability to connect, she may simply need a sounding board to help affirm the experience. Activities that authentically foster her sense of value as an individual, her own unique “knowing” and experiencing, whether it is a focused group activity or a creative arts experiment, will help encourage the self-trust and reliance on her own inner wisdom”.
“Second, I would make time to Listen to her. My daughter does not speak very much; this is one of her blocks. But I tune in by simply sending her love and knowing that divine inner guidance is there for her. When she is ready to speak, I mostly listen and do not offer advice. (This is still hard for me, but I’m learning!) Encouraging young women and girls to find their own answers and teaching them about tools to do this will be a life-changing life skill for them! So, staying connected to our own inner wisdom and believing in their ability to do the same is a powerful way to help them cultivate the inner wise woman. To bring this energy out into the world, a woman must believe that she has value and that her contributions matter, especially the contribution to her own happiness and fulfillment. Again, this can be modeled, but a woman who experiments and finds her own way, knowing that she is loved and supported, no matter what, will cultivate her own inner wisdom”.