I’m taking a yearlong painting class to provide structure for the part of me that loves to express artistically. Most importantly however,this painting process is a tool I’m using to connect with spiritual guidance, self-healing, and dream manifesting. Because I’m having so much fun doing it and find this tool helpful, I want to share it with you.
In today’s blog post I will reveal 4 layers of my current painting that leads to an inner guidance journal writing process after each painting session.
Why am I sharing my very personal inner work expressed in paintings?
I want to give you a new tool and demonstrate how to use an art project to access inner guidance on YOUR path to Self Mastery.
Also, I find the act of making art a pleasurable way to connect with intuitive knowing and creative flow of living on the path to Self Mastery.
1. Decide what your medium will be and collect your supplies.
2. Create a special time and space to begin your project.
3. Set the intention for what you want your art piece to represent. For example, the intention of my painting is to hold a space for my conversation with my Soul and the Divine in the form of SHE.
4. Begin each art session by asking a question you would like guidance about.
5. After you complete a layer of your piece, sit back and look at it. Contemplate the image with your journal in hand and then let the wisdom flow through you onto the page.
I really love this process and look forward to each new layer of my painting and what might emerge through it. Most importantly, I love the way I feel when I take the time to engage in acts of intentional creativity as a spiritual practice.
Please note: It’s the Soul that comes through between the words that elicits the deepest impact for me. I encourage you to view my painting layers and read my journal entries with the eyes and ears of your soul too.
Contemplation Question: Where am I now on the path of manifesting the next phase of my Life’s work?
Today my face emerges as earth and sunshine… my face is the fertile earth filled with seeds just beginning to sprout but not yet bursting through to see the light. My face is touched by the sunshine of Spirit, the Unformed Source, the emptiness that is filled with everything.
I emerge in the spring season of birth in this tangible form through your hand.
I am the fertile soil that will give birth to new forms of your Life’s work.
There is no need to reject or push away all that has been. Simply incorporate the old forms as rich compost to nurture the new.
At times you must let go of the need to know anything but what is needed in the moment.
Put your trust in ME and we will walk together through this transitional phase.
PAINTING LAYER 2(My grandson told me SHE looked like an alien at this point)
Contemplation Question: What is the next step in the process of ‘waiting’ for the seeds to spout?
I am FULLY PRESENT. When you look into my eyes, you may feel startled into presence.
I hold the space of thing nothing that contains everything, infinite potential. I am the phase of your creative process that you most want to bypass.
I am the unknowable.
I am also moonlight on the water of your soul, here to illuminate the path and your new forms of expression when the time is right.
Remember the value of simple moments and earthly pleasures, take in and be nourished by the beauty that is everywhere if you look closely, stay conscious in your sweet animal body.
Remember, you need not “accomplish” to be enough and to fulfill your Life Purpose.
Enjoy this period of gestation.
Go deeper into all you love of the Feminine, going ALL IN to the Feminine Flow in your next step.
Contemplation Question: During this time of gestation, I have been drawn to go deeper into the healing of my family tree. What do you want me to know now?
Today I emerge as the Hawaiian Goddess Pele giving life and energy to your healing.
My molten lava is erupting and flowing down the volcanic mountain into the sea on it’s way to create new land, new possibilities for your future. Within all this fiery activity, the “I AM” presence continues to be utterly calm, still, silent, unmoving.
Consciously know this healing and creation work is why you came to earth.
Allow the emotion that is moving through you to be fully welcomed and the truths you are discovering to settle into your roots.
It is not yet time to harvest the tree.
Contemplation Question: What am I to know now? What is the symbol of my new body of work?)
At this time, the karmic web of your family tree continues to be shaking off ancestral entanglements energies.
The deep inherited sadness is dissolving and the positive gifts and vibrancy within your lineage roots are singing more freely through your DNA.
A new expression of your Life’s Work is beginning to emerge through a manifesting current and is symbolized by a “Rainbow Dove”.