My precious Mom (aka Mother Love) just turned 85. I love her so much. Our mother-daughter bond is the foundation of my inspiration and motivation to support mothers with daughters through Maiden Spirit programs. Our simple moments sharing our lives and our love are deeply fulfilling, most of the time. However, there are times when we trigger each other.
Experiences like that are so painful because the unprocessed trigger causes a contraction in the open flow of energy between us. It’s a real challenge not to pull away and it takes effort and commitment to re-open the flow. To read more hop over to the blog page.
Recently, just after one of those tough processing conversations, on the way to a better understanding of ourselves and each other, I came across a card she had given to me when going through a challenging time in 2002. It meant so much, that I saved and kept it all these years. The first time I actually looked inside and read it again was just a couple of days ago. Inside the card there is a quote that reads:
” Well, now that we have seen each other, “said the Unicorn, “if you believe in me, I’ll believe in you. Is that a bargain?”
Lewis Carol, Through the Looking Glass
And this is what she wrote:
I predict you will continue to be a great and wonderful healer of people’s minds, emotions, bodies and spirits. Goodness in all forms will start flowing in like a bubbling fountain, always more coming in. You are worthy and deserve the best life can give, in every way,
Love, Mom
What we do know for sure, what makes it possible to stay present and work through whatever comes up, is that we believe in each other. We have learned to trust the fundamental bond between us. My Mom believed in me when I couldn’t do it for myself, and she still does from time to time! I also have friends who hold that space for me too. I know I am able to give the gift of Mother Love to many in my life.
If you are a parent, you know how important it is to encourage your children to believe in themselves and the goodness of life. I wonder if you know just how much of a difference your validation and believing makes? It’s HUGE!!!!
During those moments when you are ‘triggered’ and a part of you wants to pull away, think about me and my Mom hanging in there with each other and cultivating our mother–daughter bond for almost 56 years now. Although, not everyone has this opportunity with parents, or even children in some situations, if it is possible, it’s SO worth it!