Life on planet Earth continues to intensify….
Accordingly, we must learn how to uplevel our skills and capacities for maintaining equilibrium so turbulence and irritants turn into wisdom pearls.
I’ve been contemplating what to share about the magic of this mystical painting by the Intentional Creativity Artist, Shiloh Sophia that recently came to rest on my dining room wall. It’s entitled, She Can Sense The Unseen.
I’ve been tuning into its message for me (and perhaps you too). Obviously, my cat friend, Nala, decided the painting is for her!
As I write these words, I’m in a plane in flight over the Pacific Ocean. We just passed through a long stretch of turbulence. It was all I could do to keep from succumbing to motion sickness. Now it’s smooth flying once again and I’ve regained my equilibrium.
Our life stories are ever-unfolding, mysterious, and emergent. We experience both moments of chaos and struggle and moments of coherent flowing ease. Sometimes, it seems, we can experience a roller coaster of ALL the physical, mental, and emotional polarities within the span of a day or even an hour!
Sensing into the stabilizing Wisdom Source within
is what does it for me the most.
When I find the patience and focus needed to lean into the Unseen, my intuitive awareness increases. I’m more likely to receive insights and clear direction as well as notice the synchronicities and signs that confirm my actions.
In last month’s blog,
I revealed a source of inner guidance from the unseen I’ve never shared publicly before, called “The Pearl Council”.
This inner communion opened up last spring and came with an inspiration, a calling, and instructions to create a conscious and celebrated rite-of-passage into Elderhood which would then be documented in a film. The calling, which I have chosen to accept, is to empower myself and all women as we age in a world that does not often recognize our value, beauty, wisdom, and power
This calling project and my YES to it was symbolized by a Tahitian green pearl necklace I was drawn to purchase that very day.
I’m sharing this with you now, almost a year after I said YES, because the painting above arrived on my doorstep the day after The Woman’s Rite film crew met for the first time to prepare for our first filming. Notice the string of green pearls that the artist felt compelled to add to the original painting after hearing my story many months ago.
The timing of this felt like one of those “signs”, a green light, GO! from the Unseen that strengthens my willingness to listen and trust. Every time I look at it, it energizes my resolve to hang in there when turbulence or irritants come. It reminds me to turn within and ask for help to ride the turbulence and be patient with the irritants, knowing answers, resolution, next steps, and pearls of wisdom will come.
What inspires you to focus on what you need to ride the turbulence and be patient with the irritants in your life? Perhaps the following questions can help you connect to your own inner wisdom so it can provide you with your own pearls of wisdom
- What helps you maintain, and when needed regain, your equilibrium when passing through the inevitable turbulence of life?
- How do you support others?
- When was the last time you turned your attention to sense into the Unseen for guidance about a question or challenge you are facing?
- If you are a practitioner, coach, healer, creative, transformational leader, when was the last time you attuned into an inner guidance source for strength and inspiration for helping stabilize during turbulent times?
I wish you equilibrium in the beauty of structure, and coherent flow as you sense into the bright, benevolent, every present Unseen guiding divine presence.